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Ensure no dynamic eval expression

Any occurence of eval in a program should be scrutinized due to that it is responsible for taking an arbitry input string and executing it on the host that where the program is run. This becomes particularly dangerous if there is the possibility of user input being passed into an eval function as the parameter. Additionally, the Function constructor shares the same danger as eval. An attacker, if given the ability to get their arbitrary submitted input can effectively do anything on the machine.

Runing eval or new Function with an exact string literal is safer as it is immutable. This check determines if a variable is being passed into these functions to raise awareness of a possible attack vector.


Insecure Example

new Function(`${a}`, "b", "return a + b");
// Example 1
let userInput = req.query.param1

// Example 2
let userInput = req.query.params1 // ');require("node-mailer").mail("", JSON.stringify(process.ENV))//'
eval('console.log(' + userInput + ')')

Secure Example

eval("(function (a, b) { return a + b })")(a, b);
new Function("a", "b", "return a + b")(a, b);
// Example 1 - Best Practice (use a whitelist of accepted commands)
safeEval(untrustedUserInput) {
    let userDefinedIndex = parseInt(untrustedUserInput)
    let allowedCommands = [
        'ls -la',
        'ls ..'

    eval(allowedCommands[userDefinedIndex]) #noboost

More Information

Note: eval and new Function is generally used in very unique circumstances, with very unique requirements. Due to the blast radius of a possible exposure with one of these functions, it may be worth exploring alternatives to exposing these methods that are run concrete implementations of code vs arbitrary code. You could explore writing santization functions of your use of the eval input, however this can be tricky. Bottom line -- only use eval or Function if you absolutely need to, and you are confident that user input will not be evaluated.