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Supported Languages

Different programming languages require distinct types of scans to ensure comprehensive security and dependency management. Below is a mapping of programming languages and their corresponding types of scans:

Language File Image5 Rootfs6 Filesystem7 Repository8
Ruby Gemfile.lock - -
gemspec - -
Python Pipfile.lock - -
poetry.lock - -
requirements.txt - -
egg package1 - -
wheel package2 - -
conda package3 - -
PHP composer.lock
Node.js package-lock.json - -
yarn.lock - -
pnpm-lock.yaml - -
package.json - -
.NET packages.lock.json
pom.xml - -
*gradle.lockfile - -
Go Binaries built by Go - -
go.mod - -
Rust Cargo.lock
Binaries built with cargo-auditable - -
C/C++ conan.lock - -
Elixir mix.lock10 - -
Dart pubspec.lock - -
Swift Podfile.lock - -
Package.resolved - -