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The Scans page contains all the details about security scans that have happened across your account. Here, you'll find detailed resources to help you understand and manage the scanning process within the BoostSecurity platform.

The scan history shows the applied policy, which provides more insight into how individual scans were processed to create the Findings and Violation counts you see in your scans.

Scans Page

Scan History Reports

The Scan History report provides a detailed history view of all your scans in your organization. Using the Scan History PDF Report feature is straightforward:

  1. Navigate to the Scans page.

  2. At the top-right corner of the page, select the period for the report by selecting the drop-down: Last Week, 2 weeks, 4 weeks.

  3. Click on the Send Report button located at the top-right of the screen.

    Send Report

  4. All scan history columns are selected by default. You can choose to deselect some columns if necessary. They include Result (Violations), Status, Scanner, Duration, and Date. Click on the Send button to proceed.

    Choose Options

  5. The PDF report will be sent to your registered email address within a few minutes from "" titled "Boost Scans Report".