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Supply Chain Inventory

The Supply Chain Inventory page provides a comprehensive overview of the components utilized in software development. By examining this page, users can identify third-party components within their software's building blocks. This includes third-party components like GitHub actions and CircleCI orbs, which may introduce risks to the build pipeline.

The Supply Chain Inventory allows users to gain end-to-end visibility into their entire supply chain. This enables users to promptly and efficiently respond to newly detected risks. By proactively monitoring and managing the components within their software ecosystem, users can enhance the security and resilience of their applications.

Supply Chain


  • Overview

The supply chain inventory page gives users with a comprehensive overview, neatly organizing essential information by Component, Version, Type, and Repositories.

Supply Chain Overview

  • Filters and Search Functionality

Users can utilize the filter options and search functionality to narrow down and locate specific Components, Versions, Repositories or Type within their supply chain.

Supply Chain Filters

  • Export and Reporting Options

To export data for further analysis on the Supply Chain Inventory page, users can click on the Export button. Once clicked, the system will prompt the user to enter a name for the file and then proceed to download the supply chain inventory in the form of a json file.

Export Supply Chain Inventory