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The BoostSecurity Slack integration sends notifications of activity to a Slack channel.


  1. Go to the Integrations page.
  2. Click on the Slack tile.
  3. Within the integration drawer, click on the Install button.
  4. Once redirected to a Slack webpage, select the channel to send notifications.


  1. Go to the Integrations page.
  2. Click on the Slack tile.
  3. Click the Configuration tab within the integration drawer.

Elect a default channel

Select the default checkbox to indicate that the channel should receive notifications when a policy is configured to send notifications to the default channel. To see an example of this, review this page's Send Slack Notifications section.

Remove a channel

Click on the trash icon, and click the Yes option when the modal appears. This severs the connection between the Slack channel and the Boost Slack application.

Send Slack Notifications

  1. Go to the Policy page.
  2. Edit an existing policy or begin creating a new one using the Slack integration.
  3. Select Send a notification for either the default action or an action associated with a specific rule statement.
  4. In the modal that appears, apply the following to the following fields:

a. Integration: Slack

b. Name: The channel's name that is expected to receive notifications. Use default to send notifications to the channel that is designated as the default channel in the configuration settings of the Slack integration on the Integrations page.

c. Notify when:

  • Notify when a new violation is being reported: Select this option to receive notifications on all net-new violations.

  • Notify when the violation is resolved: Select this option to receive notifications when a scan has found a violation to be resolved.

  • Notify when the violation is being suppressed: Select this option to receive notifications when a user has taken action within Boost against an item (e.g., has marked a violation as False Positive) or if a user has suppressed a violation with the #noboost keyword within source code.