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Understanding the Exported CSV File Columns

The exported CSV file provides a comprehensive view of your assets with various columns representing different attributes.

CSV Export

Below is a detailed explanation of each column:

  • organization_name: The name of the organization associated with the asset. This is essential for identifying which organization the asset belongs to.

  • repository_name: The name of the repository. It identifies the specific code repository being managed within the asset management system.

  • organization_type: The type of organization, such as GitHub, Bitbucket, or GitLab, indicating the source control provider for the repository.

  • is_orphan: A Boolean value (TRUE or FALSE) indicating whether the asset is orphaned. Orphaned assets are those no longer visible to Boost due to removal from the 3rd party system or permission changes.

  • is_monorepo: A Boolean value (TRUE or FALSE) indicating if the asset is part of a monorepository, a single repository containing multiple projects or components.

  • is_managed: A Boolean value (TRUE or FALSE) indicating whether the asset is actively managed within the BoostSecurity platform.

  • is_subrepo: A Boolean value (TRUE or FALSE) indicating if the asset is a sub-repository, often part of a larger repository structure.

  • subrepository_name: If the asset is a sub-repository, this column will display the name of the sub-repository, helping users to identify its parent structure.

  • subrepository_parent_repository: This column identifies the parent repository of a sub-repository, providing context for its hierarchical structure.

  • repository_attributes: This column contains detailed attributes of the repository, such as the programming languages used, SaaS providers, and SCM attributes. It's a rich source of information for understanding the technical and service-related aspects of the repository.