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Choosing Appropriate Scanners for Repository Security

BoostSecurity offers a comprehensive suite of robust scanners. These scanners are designed to effectively detect and resolve potential security risks, providing you with a thorough and reliable security solution. You have the flexibility to choose from a wide range of scanners. Each scanner is designed to cater to specific needs, making it easier for you to decide which ones are most appropriate for your particular repository.

That's why BoostSecurity provides a range of tools tailored to different programming languages, enabling you to pinpoint potential vulnerabilities in your repository with ease which are:

Scanner Security Requirement Supports
BoostNative SAST Go, Java, JavaScript, Python, Ruby, Terraform, TypeScript
Brakeman SAST Ruby
Bundler Audit SCA Ruby
Checkov SAST Ansible, CloudFormation, Kubernetes, Serverless, Terraform
CodeQL SAST Go, Java, JavaScript, Python, Ruby, TSX, TypeScript
Gitleaks SAST CloudFormation, Docker, Go, Java, JavaScript, Kotlin, Kubernetes, PHP, Python, Ruby, Rust, Scala, Serverless, Terraform, TSX, TypeScript
Nancy SCA Go
NPM Audit SCA JavaScript, TypeScript
OSV Scanner SCA Go, JavaScript, Python, Ruby, TypeScript
Safety SCA Python
Semgrep SAST c, Docker, Go, Java, JavaScript, Kotlin, PHP, Python, Ruby, Rust, Scala, Terraform, TSX, TypeScript
Snyk SCA Go, Java, JavaScript, Kotlin, PHP, Python, Ruby, Scala
Trivy SCA, SBOM Docker, Go, Java, JavaScript, .Net, Python, Ruby, TypeScript